
MAHLERWEAR. It is art.

© Feinkunst


Become part of Hannes Malte Mahler's latest major project, in which he blurs the boundaries between art, design and commerce. Choose your desired combination of T-shirt color, motif and color/pattern of the motif and create your own unique piece. The possible combinations are limitless.

© Feinkunst


In our Mahlerwear store you can not only put together your Mahlerwear shirt, but also buy exhibition catalogs. Our range includes catalogs of past Hannes exhibitions as well as our own exhibitions. Since 2020, the catalogs have been distributed by our own feinkunst publishing house. 

© Feinkunst


In addition to Mahlerwear and the catalogs, we have posthumously produced our own merchandising articles based on Mahlerwear. We currently offer pocket squares in two versions.

© Feinkunst


We launched our first edition in 2019. Birgit Streicher has put together six copies from the "Kippenköter" series to create a Kippenköter poster. The edition is limited to 100 pieces. 

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